Category: CIC Articles

21 companies have received the Best Managed Companies Romania Award by Deloitte Private

21 Romanian companies have received the Deloitte Best Managed Companies certification at a gala event in Bucharest. Transylvania Bank, Bucharest Stock Exchange and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development were partners of the second edition of the program organized by Deloitte Private.

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How to finance your long-term investments through stock market investments?

If you’re an entrepreneur, you’ve probably wondered at least once how you can finance the renovation of your office, how you can get money to build a bigger warehouse or buy a new production line. Even though in 95% of the time the most convenient way is to take out a bank loan when you want to finance an investment, you  can finance your long-term investments through stock market investments.

On October 10, 2023, we have delivered a presentation for RBL – Romanian Business Leaders Association in Cluj, about how a company can finance its long-term investments through stock market investments.  The meeting was hosted by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Babeș-Bolyai University.

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Cluj County Council issues bonds priced at 100 EUR for the first time in history

Today, at the invitation of VMB Partners, we have attended the press conference organized by the Cluj County Council on the occasion of the first ever bond issue to finance projects in health, education, culture and road infrastructure, carried out by the County Council.

The value of the issue is 75,680,000 euros, i.e. 756,800 bonds worth 100 EUR. The principal is to be repaid in 5 annual instalments, with a variable six-month EURIBOR coupon + interest rate ranging from 0.5 to 3.5%.

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CIC Meetup #5 – The price of milk, a barometer of inflation?

Milk and honey flow into Romania but milk imports have increased by almost 2000% in the last 30 years. Find out why we import so much milk and, more importantly, what the chances are of using more locally produced milk at this month’s Carpathia Investment Club meeting.

The guest speaker at Wednesday’s meeting is Lucian Naș, CEO of Bonas Import Export, a company listed on the secondary market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange under the symbol BONA.

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CIC Meetup #4 – The resilience of the Romanian banking system and portfolio diversification

What do the liquidity problems in the US banking system mean? Have the fall of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank put pressure on your investment portfolio?

What is the impact of recent events on the shares of banking and financial institutions listed on major international stock exchanges, and more specifically, on investment portfolios?

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CIC Meetup #3 – BVB to a new record number of investors

Are you a wanna be investor or you have already started to invest?

Then let’s meet on Thursday, February 23, starting at 7 p.m., at Colin’s Gastro Pub (Cardinal Iuliu Hossu Street 30-32, Cluj-Napoca), for the club’s #third face-to-face #meet-up, to debate together the main topic: BVB, AT A NEW RECORD OF INVESTORS.

We look forward to (re)seeing each other!

How Companies Communicate Effectively with Investors ahead of an IPO

Did the IPO market go silent? After two years which have witnessed record numbers of IPOs, both in numbers and value, 2022 seems not to be the best year for getting listed. Should companies go public when inflation is eroding earnings worldwide? If yes, what is the reward investors are looking for in order to take the risk of investing in young companies?

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How Public Companies Communicate Effectively with Investors [TRP]

Investor Relations play a key role in every public company as the primary and most trustable source of information for any investor. You may think that with the existence of an enormous number of research tools and analysts covering the market, the investor relations officer is out of fashion. Let us tell you a secret: for a lot of investors that keep an eye on the companies they invest in and want to know where the companies are heading to, the IR department still keeps a central role.

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Value investing, still the core strategy for long term investors

We have recently asked our investment community how did their investment strategy change in 2022 and if the recent drop in the stock market had any affect on their long term investment goals. It seems that value investing is still the core strategy for long term investors.

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Should Investors Go For an All Weather Portfolio?

There are times when a marathon can take you further than a sprint. Since the beginning of the year, the exposure to tech companies has diminished the returns in a lot of portfolios and has questioned the asset allocation strategies used in the last 10 years. Is the heavy allocation towards tech and growth stocks still a winning bet or should investors be more prudent and have an “All Weather” Portfolio approach?

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