How Companies Communicate Effectively with Investors ahead of an IPO

Did the IPO market go silent? After two years which have witnessed record numbers of IPOs, both in numbers and value, 2022 seems not to be the best year for getting listed. Should companies go public when inflation is eroding earnings worldwide? If yes, what is the reward investors are looking for in order to take the risk of investing in young companies?


Zuzanna Kurek, CEO Cornerstone Communication will join our Club webinar and share more about the IPOs on the Romanian market, investor communication and how companies interact with investors and key shareholders when it comes to getting listed. Going public is not an easy thing to do, as companies need to engage in a medium term process which involves internal team efforts and support from consultants and moreover, investors. Offering mezzanine capital for promising companies looks like a good business for a lot of investors that have high risk tolerance and are looking for above the market returns.

In the past couple of years, IPOs have reached record levels and even traditional investors started to keep an eye on this market which has rewarded early capital placement. With 2022 dominated by high inflation and lower valuations, did  the IPO “beehive” go silent? Did companies postpone their plans of getting public or did investors’ appetite for risk take a break?

Cornerstone Communication is a Bucharest-based capital markets advisory and investor relations company which assists  clients in the transition from private to public company and after the debut, in building relationship with their stakeholders – investors, employees, clients, and capital market institutions.



For further information on this topic, please contact:
Carpathia Investing Club | Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 400680

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About Carpathia Investing Club

Carpathia Investing Club (CIC) was founded in 2021. The club is dedicated to support individuals all around the world to better understand and apply investing principles. For first time retail investors, the club’s activity is based on a combined educational and practical approach that emphasizes the need of a proper understanding of the basic principles that govern the stock market before starting to invest. For more experienced retail investors and institutional investors, the club works as a forum that offers the opportunity to discuss and analyze various investment opportunities private and public companies. 

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